This is a really good framing. We are certainly in a much better place than we were in the last winter, by any measure.

Two thoughts on convenings: First, in my experience the most effective convenings bring people together who work along different places in the ideological spectrum and in diverse geographies. We have to recognize as a movement that an abolitionist campaign in Seattle can't use the same messaging and tactics as trying to pass a measure through a bipartisan Congress, and people who use different messaging and tactics to advance different pieces of the work aren't enemies.

Second, convenings could be a lot cheaper. During the summer/fall period, we kind of replicated corporate culture. A good convening in a major city could spend a lot less on food and alcohol, stay in less expensive accommodations, be invite only (to keep it focused) and have a sliding scale ranging from covering flight/hotel for truly grassroots leaders to not covering it at all for well-funded nationals. I say this because I agree that the harder conversations need to happen in person, but no one is in a position to book an all expenses convening for 100 leaders right now.

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I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear this this week. Thank you for your gauge and for voicing it!

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Thank you for reading! I'm glad it was helpful.

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